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Mrs Perfume performs...
an Opera in 521 breaths and three acts

Eeva-Maria's collaboration with kissküss, who are...Anthony Haddon and Nanette Zimmermann
-  an initial R&D at Waterlilies, Bristol, Apr 15th-19th 2024, to be developed into a solo show

the story of Mrs Perfume who has discovered how to make operas through her nose
voice - viual art - movement art
(photos & video screenshots from rehearsals by artists)

Bildschirmfoto 2024-04-23 um 18.58.11 (1).jpeg
A BIG Thank you to Anthony and Nanette for this initial creation period. And Waterlilies community for the space (building works and all), and our small work-in-progress audience for your generous presence and comments.
The power of play, hey!
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