physical dialogues between form and movement/ deialogau gorfforol rhwng ffurf a symudiad
Below you can find photographic documentation of the studies in project Shimmer/Symudliw that have undertaken over 20 days of Studio time at Penpynfarch Aug-Oct 2020.
​Isod gallwch ddod o hyd i ddogfennaeth ffotograffig o'r astudiaethau ym mhrosiect Shimmer/Symudliw sydd wedi cymryd dros 20 diwrnod o amser Stiwdio ym Mhenpynfarch, Awst-Tachwedd 2020.
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About the video:
I approached editing this sketch of a film as an improvisation, listening for what wanted to emerge from the material accumulated. I feel it touches on sorrow, farewell and also ...a kind of an 'ache for the land' as a psycho-cultural phenomena in this time. All of this human emotion and experience is held by the larger entity of the natural world which we are part of.
"Humans don’t create movement, we participate in a moving universe." Andrea Olsen
Am y fideo:
Fe wnes i fynd ati i olygu'r sgetsh hon o ffilm fel gwaith byrfyfyr, gan wrando am yr hyn oedd eisiau dod i’r amlwg o'r deunydd a gronnwyd. Rwy'n teimlo ei fod yn cyffwrdd â thristwch, ffarwel a hefyd ... math o 'hiraeth am y tir' fel ffenomenau seico-ddiwylliannol yn yr amser hwn. Mae'r holl emosiwn a phrofiad dynol hwn yn cael ei ddal gan endid mwy o'r byd naturiol yr ydym yn rhan ohono.
"...there are some things which, by their taste or by their colour, when one has them on one's tongue or in one's eye, give joy, and others that give grief. Three things of joy, one of grief, that makes a living thing."
Jean Giono, Joy of Man's Desiring
I have been fortunate to have fellow artist Marega Palser as Creative Buddy/Outside Eye, and together we have drawn up some live installation/performance scores from this material. (Read more on 'About The Project') - Big thanks to her for such encouraging presence. I have been learning through new experiments with her in the relationships between drawing, movement and theatre.
Rwyf wedi bod yn ffodus i gael y cyd-artist Marega Palser fel Cyfaill Creadigol/ Llygad Allanol, a gyda'n gilydd rydym wedi llunio gosodweithiau / sgoriau perfformio byw o'r deunydd hwn. (Darllenwch fwy ar 'Am y Prosiect') - Diolch yn fawr iddi am bresenoldeb mor gefnogol. Rwyf wedi bod yn dysgu trwy arbrofion newydd gyda hi yn y perthnasoedd rhwng lluniadu, symudiad a theatr.